High Wasted! Drag Dinner Show - Justice for Chromatica
Are you a Lady Gaga fan? Have you ever wanted to see a drag show dedicated entirely to one of her greatest and most underrated albums?? Well pop a 911 and look no further than Blue Gene's High Wasted Drag Dinner Show!! Presented by Sequoia Productions. Her name isn't Alice, but she'll definitely give you wonderland - this month's hostess is the incredible Hysteria, and she's joined by SLC Drag Icons Lexis Monroig, Schade the Queen, Cherry Poppins, and Zoe Zigman Stephens! Strut it out, walk a mile, and serve your way to Blue Gene's for the most Chromatical drag show yet!! Snag a table for you and your friends, and get ready for a dedicated album experience like never before. But wait! There's more!! Stick around after the show ALL NIGHT for a Karaoke party, also hosted by Hysteria!! It's going to be an event you'll want to have on Replay for months!! See you on CHROMATICA!