Quarters Arcade Bar and Mic Masters Alliance Presents:
The Warm Up 3
The Saurus vs Emerson Kennedy, Eli Ace vs Mike Bailey, 5padez vs Ghost, Smoke Caeli vs N.E.Z. , Certs vs J-Villain, Valcone vs Hemis, Easton Clark vs DKOEN, Aye Q vs Steez Rogers, Pho3nix Child vs Kyle Mehr
Friday, March 17 2023
8:00 PM MDT
5 East 400 South
Salt Lake City
Mic Masters Alliance is proud to announce the third installment of our high-energy, "The Warm Up" series!
This event will be our biggest to date since our return, and we couldn't be more excited. We appreciate the DLC at Quarters Bar for having us host this special event.
Mark the date: 03-17-23 at The DLC at Quarters Arcade Bar. We welcome "Mr. Two-Time Everything," The Saurus, to Utah for the FIRST TIME to face off against SLC's own and Battle Rap legend, Emerson Kennedy.
The Warm Up 3, presented by #MicMastersAlliance and Hoodi Jare, s/o to our sponsor LSTBYZ.ENT for the strong support, they'll have

Hosted by Nate Chacon III and Dumb Luck 

We have a FULL lineup, packed with giveaways, vendors, good beer, music from Narth Fader, and more!

This is on St. Patrick's Day, March 17–23, so plan accordingly for parking downtown!
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